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Exploring Translation Trends in 2016


The translation industry has undergone significant transformations in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and changing market demands. In 2016, several key trends emerged that shaped the language services landscape. This article delves into the translation trends that dominated the industry in 2016, including the rise of machine translation, the increasing importance of localization, the focus on quality assurance, and the impact of technology on translation processes.

1. Rise of Machine Translation

2016 witnessed the growing prominence of machine translation (MT) technology. With the development of neural machine translation (NMT) and statistical MT systems, machine translation has become more accurate and capable of handling a wide range of language pairs and domains. While human translation still held its place for complex or sensitive content, MT gained traction for large-scale, time-sensitive projects. The industry saw an increased adoption of hybrid approaches, combining human expertise with machine translation to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

2. Focus on Localization

Localization emerged as a significant trend in 2016 as businesses sought to adapt their products and services to diverse global markets. Localization goes beyond translation by considering cultural nuances, and regional preferences, and adapting content to resonate with local audiences. Language service providers began offering comprehensive localization services, including translation, cultural adaptation, and transcreation, to cater to the specific needs of businesses expanding their reach internationally.

3. Quality Assurance and Post-Editing

Quality assurance became a paramount concern in 2016 as the industry recognized the importance of delivering accurate and reliable translations. Language service providers and translators emphasized the need for rigorous quality control processes, including thorough proofreading, editing, and post-editing of machine-translated content. Post-editing, where human translators review and improve machine-translated output, gained prominence as a means to ensure high-quality translations and maintain linguistic integrity.

4. Impact of Technology

Technology played a transformative role in the translation industry in 2016. Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, such as translation memory systems and terminology management tools, became standard in translation workflows, improving consistency and efficiency. Cloud-based solutions facilitated collaboration among translators and clients, enabling real-time access to projects and resources. Additionally, advances in speech recognition technology and mobile applications expanded the possibilities for interpreting and remote translation services.


The translation industry experienced notable trends in 2016 that reflected the changing landscape of language services. The rise of machine translation, driven by advancements in MT technology, brought new possibilities for large-scale projects and cost-effective solutions. Localization gained prominence as businesses recognized the importance of adapting content to local markets. Quality assurance and post-editing became focal points, ensuring accurate and reliable translations. Technology, including CAT tools and cloud-based solutions, revolutionized translation workflows and collaboration. As the industry evolved in 2016, these trends set the stage for further advancements and innovations in the years to come.

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