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How To Help Your Remote Team Members Manage (And Track) Their Time Effectively?


Managing and tracking time effectively is crucial for remote team members to maintain productivity and meet project deadlines. Without proper guidance and tools, it can be challenging for remote workers to stay organized and manage their time efficiently. This article provides practical strategies to help remote team members effectively manage and track their time, ensuring optimal productivity and success.

Set Clear Expectations and Deadlines

Establish clear expectations and communicate project deadlines to your remote team members. Clearly define the scope of work, deliverables, and milestones. By providing a clear roadmap, team members can plan their time effectively and prioritize tasks accordingly.

Encourage Time Blocking and Prioritization

Encourage remote team members to use time-blocking techniques to allocate specific time slots for different tasks or projects. This helps create a structured schedule and prevents multitasking, leading to better focus and productivity. Prioritization is also key – team members should identify and tackle high-priority tasks first to ensure important deadlines are met.

Utilize Time Management Tools

There are various time management tools available that can help remote team members track their time and stay organized. Project management software, time-tracking apps, and online calendars are valuable tools that enable individuals to schedule tasks, set reminders, and monitor progress. Encourage team members to utilize these tools and explore options that suit their needs and preferences.

Foster Regular Check-ins and Accountability

Regular check-ins and accountability play a vital role in remote team time management. Schedule regular meetings or video conferences to discuss project updates, address any challenges, and provide support. These check-ins serve as opportunities to track progress, clarify expectations, and ensure everyone is on track.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Working remotely can blur the boundaries between work and personal life. Encourage remote team members to establish boundaries and practice work-life balance. Emphasize the importance of taking breaks, setting realistic work hours, and disconnecting after work. When team members have a healthy work-life balance, they are more likely to manage their time effectively and maintain productivity.

Provide Training and Resources

Offer training sessions or resources that focus on time management techniques and best practices for remote work. Share tips on effective scheduling, time-tracking methods, and tools that can enhance productivity. This training equips remote team members with the necessary skills to manage their time efficiently and make the most of their work hours.

Lead by Example

As a leader or manager of remote teams, lead by example when it comes to time management. Demonstrate good time management practices by setting realistic deadlines, communicating effectively, and maintaining your own work-life balance. When team members see their leaders prioritizing time management, they are more likely to adopt these practices themselves.


Effective time management is essential for remote team members to stay productive, meet deadlines, and maintain work-life balance. By setting clear expectations, encouraging time blocking and prioritization, utilizing time management tools, fostering regular check-ins and accountability, promoting work-life balance, providing training and resources, and leading by example, you can help your remote team members manage and track their time effectively. With these strategies in place, your remote team will be well-equipped to optimize productivity and achieve success.

Training for remote team members by a corporate training provider like Globibo can help bring people together.

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