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The Evolution of Event Technology Since 2000

A lot has changed in the world of technology in the last fifteen years, in fact more has changed as far as technology goes in the last fifteen years than the fifty years before it. Technology has reached every aspect of life, including how business is done, planned, and how gatherings are both conducted as well as experienced.
Making connections: Making connections is probably the biggest change of them all. Forming networks is not something that anyone could do, there were professionals and they held the power knowing the who’s who. Now we have Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. They are an integral part of any professional and personal life; everyone knows everybody now.
Planning events: Fax, snail mail, and three clip binders filled with dates, times, reminders, and hundreds of phone calls has now been reduced to a link sent that has all the required information, including registrations, all the paperwork, and a YouTube video of a teaser.

In spite of all the development, the core of it all, the very essence of why such gatherings happen has not changed. It is intended to bring people together to learn, be informed, network, and even be entertained at the same time.

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