Globibo Blog

How to Select Virtual AGM Platform

The global Novel Coronavirus pandemic has forced all social events to virtual platforms. Organizations are now looking for tech solutions to enable them to hold their Annual General Meetings virtually. We provide tips on how you can go about picking the right Virtual AGM Platform for your business below.

Your Virtual AGM should allow for accessible invitation and registration. You should be able to send out mass invites on it conveniently and then track users registering for the event.

It should provide video streaming support to enable the easy streaming of multiple video feeds to everyone attending your Virtual AGM.

It should extend an app to register live voting for/against the motion by the event’s participants during the event.

An excellent virtual AGM platform should offer the provision for utilizing live Q&A without having to stop the video streaming of the event. It should also provide adequate support for Live Chat.

It should contain ample security measures to avoid unwelcome third-party infringement upon your organization’s Virtual Annual General Meeting.

Try Out Globibo’s Virtual AGM Platform Demo

Globibo offers an easy and affordable Virtual AGM Platform for you to utilize for your company’s events and meetings. It even provides a demo for its Virtual AGM Platform service to try to help you decide whether you wish to invest in the same.

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