Globibo Blog

“Globibo’s solutions: Large-Scale Interpreting, Mobile App, and Access Control Management”

Large-Scale Interpreting, Mobile-App, and Access Control Management by Globibo
Globibo’s exceptional expertise was on full display at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health, where we played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the event. With a staggering attendance of 20,000 diverse participants spread across 10 conference tracks and exhibitions, our team worked tirelessly to provide an engaging and seamless experience for all attendees.

The meticulous planning and execution of booth setups were handled by three dedicated sub-teams deployed across three separate halls. This ensured that each area was effectively managed and tailored to meet the specific needs of the exhibitors and participants.

Moreover, our team managed a device counter, overseeing the distribution and collection of devices used for various interactive sessions and presentations. With a dedicated team of 20 staff members, we efficiently handled the logistics for over 3500 participants, ensuring that everyone had access to the necessary tools and resources throughout the event.

Globibo’s commitment to excellence and our ability to manage large-scale events with precision and professionalism were evident throughout the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health. By providing comprehensive support and innovative solutions, we helped create a memorable and productive experience for all participants, further solidifying our reputation as a leader in event management and event technology services.

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